Genealogy tours and family research
- personally look into local records of named individuals,
- reconnaissance the area (to establish, for instance, which houses, institutions are still standing)
- perhaps recommend potential tour possibilities
- and/or perhaps also suggest possible directions for further research.
Swiss emigration
Since the 1800s, hundreds of thousands of Swiss have emigrated to the new worlds. From 1800 to 1910, over 300,000 people left their Swiss homeland to seek their fortune in North America.
As can be seen from the photo above, family members of my mother (Wettstein-Pfister) also emigrated from Fällanden, Canton Zurich, Switzerland to New York, USA, during this time.
Genealogy Tour in the Canton of Glarus, Switzerland
New Glarner besuchen “Old Glarus” – TV Südostschweiz – Rahila Lütschg
Newspaper articles about Genealogy Tours with Erwin Tours of Switzerland:
Below are 2 newspaper articles about two US families who rediscovered their ancestors and roots in Switzerland.
(The text is in German and can be translated to English with common online portals)
Diese Amerikanerinnen suchen nach ihren Wurzeln – 20 Minuten – P. Michel
“These American women are searching for their roots” – 20 Minuten, P. Michel
In the immigrant country of the USA, the search for one’s own origins is booming. Rachael and Marybeth from Illinois are also tracing their ancestors in Mels SG.
Rendez-vous mit der Vergangenheit – Migros Magazin – Andrea Freiermuth
“Rendez-vous with the past” – Migros Magazin, Andrea Freiermuth
Ancestor tourism is the trend. The Americans Laurie Burke and Sue Voss also want to get to know the homeland of their ancestors. In the mountain village of Mathon in Graubünden, they meet the siblings Peter and Susanne Janett, to whom they are related through many corners.

Links to Customer Reviews:
“Unforgettable Genealogy Tour”
Genealogy Tour in Gsteig bei Gstaad, Saanenland, Canton Berne, Switzerland
“Erwin Fässler’s Genealogy Tour was the Highlight of Our Week!”
Genealogy Tour in Nuglar-St.Pantaleon and Gempen, Canton Solothurn, Switzerland
“Erwin Tours of Switzerland Helps Find My Glarner Roots, Meet Distant Cousins, and Enjoy the Beauty of Switzerland”
Genealogy Tour in Elm and Ennenda, Canton Glarus, Switzerland
“Erwin Fässler, A Fairy Godfather for Those Seeking to Connect with Their Swiss Roots”
Genealogy Tour in Eggiwil and Church of Röthenbach im Emmental, Canton Berne, Switzerland
“Genealogy Tour”
Genealogy Tour in Mels and Weisstannen, Canton St.Gallen, Switzerland
“Erwin is the man!!!!”
Genealogy Tour in Frick, Canton Aargau, Switzerland
“Finding my roots with a customized Swiss Genealogy Tour”
Genealogy Tour in St.Antönien, Canton Grisons (Graubünden), Switzerland
“Mathon and Thusis – Villages of my Ancestors”
Genealogy Tour in Mathon and Thusis, Canton Grisons (Graubünden), Switzerland
“Found My Swiss Ancestors!”
Genealogy Tour in Mathon and Thusis, Canton Grisons (Graubünden), Switzerland